td wrote:Sotsiaalmaksu laekumise kohta ehk leiab siit miskit. Kui keegi viitsib, ehk teeb väikese ülevaate?
Natuke uurisin:
12. - 18. juuli perioodil laekus 2401 miljonit, aasta algusest laekunud kokku 15574 miljonit, juunikuu lôpuks oli laekunud 13133 ehk keskmiselt ca 2188 miljonit kuus
vôrdluseks: kogu aprillikuus laekus 2129 miljonit, kogu maikuus 2184, juunikuus 2228, eelmise aasta detsembris 2239
Seega juulikuus on laekumine suurenenud küll, aga see vôib olla hooajatööde tôttu. Enne oktoobrit ei tasu hôisata siin midagist.
td wrote:Järjekordne piltmõistatus...
spl wrote:See taastuvenergiatasu on täiesti müstika, samas hea stabiilne tuluallikas ärimeestele. Äripäev kena kronoloogia pannud, kuidas asjad meil käivad. Nii, käib äritegemine.
Sõõrumaa sai oma tahtmise
spl wrote:Justkui 1. aprill oleks![]()
Kohtutäitur arestis SEB konto
Kuidas seda mõista, millise konto täpsemalt arestis ?
Aga proovige teie pangale võlgu jääda, hiljaks jääda kasvõi päev koheselt ähvarduskirjad, mida kõik veel. Pank ei suvatse maksta kohtuotsusega määratud raha
spl wrote:to td, järsku peaksime veel ühe topicu tegema graafikud või panna viited harivad postitused alla, sest hea oleks neid tulevikus ju lugeda.
For example, if a military drone accidentally kills civilians, and there is a public outcry, it would be a mistake for the military to spend too much time talking about what went wrong with that particular mission. The High Ground Maneuver would go something like this: "War is messy. No one wants civilians to die. We will study this situation to see how we can better avoid it in the future."
Notice that the response is succinct, indisputably true, and that the context has been taken to a higher level, about war in general. That's what Jobs did. It's a powerful technique, and you can use it at home.
There's a limit to the method. I don't think that BP could have gotten away with it as a response to the oil spill because the problem was so large and it seemed unique to BP. But if they had tried the High Ground Maneuver, it would have looked like this: "All of the easy sources of oil have been found fifty years ago. If the oil industry stops taking risks, many of you would be out of work in less than a decade. We all want a future of clean energy, but no one sees a way to get there as quickly as we need to. We will do everything we can to clean up the spill, and to make things right with the Gulf economy."
Someday business students will read about Steve Jobs' response to the SPAM 4 issue and they will learn that the High Ground Maneuver (probably by some other name) became the public relations standard for consumer products companies from that day on.
The clever part, the really sneaky part, of Jobs' statement as quoted in the post is in the subtle abuse of the pronoun "we".
First sentence: "We're not perfect." "We" is deliberately ambiguous - it might mean "Apple", it might mean "we in this room", it might mean "we flawed and sinful human beings." If challenged, he can say it means "Apple" - but everyone in the room is meant to hear it as "we, people in general", and so feel an instant kinship with Steve.
Third sentence: "We all know that." With the qualifier "all", he's now explicitly extending the "we" to encompass the audience. "Anyone who doesn't know this is an idiot, you're not an idiot, are you? - therefore you're one of us", is the subtext here.
Fourth sentence: "But we want to make our users happy". This time, the "we" can only mean Apple. But he's set up the audience to think of themselves as part of the "we" he's talking about, and therefore they're now conditioned to identify with Apple.
spl wrote:Ma võtsin südame rindu ja tegin omale Facebook konto ning siiani kratsin kukalt, ootasin midagi väääääga vinget. Sain tavalise Orkuti koopia![]()
Tänapäeval ikka sotsiaalmeedia "haip" kordades suurem, kui toote reaalne väärtus. Pettumus on täielik.... aga lihtsalt tuttavate pilte näeb ainult sealt.
td wrote:spl wrote:Ma võtsin südame rindu ja tegin omale Facebook konto ning siiani kratsin kukalt, ootasin midagi väääääga vinget. Sain tavalise Orkuti koopia![]()
Tänapäeval ikka sotsiaalmeedia "haip" kordades suurem, kui toote reaalne väärtus. Pettumus on täielik.... aga lihtsalt tuttavate pilte näeb ainult sealt.
Facebook peab plaani minna tulevikus börsile, iga kasutaja on aktsia hinna tõstmisel natuke abiks.![]()
The objective of conversation is to entertain or inform the other person while not using up all of the talking time. A big part of how you entertain another person is by listening and giving your attention. Ideally, your own enjoyment from conversation comes from the other person doing his or her job of being interesting. If you are entertaining yourself at the other person's expense, you're doing it wrong.
You might think that everyone on earth understands what a conversation is and how to engage in one. My observation is that no more than a quarter of the population has that understanding ... Prior to the Dale Carnegie course I believed that conversation was a process by which I could demonstrate my cleverness, complain about what was bugging me, and argue with people in order to teach them how dumb they were. To me, listening was the same thing as being bored.
spl wrote:Ma võtsin südame rindu ja tegin omale Facebook konto ning siiani kratsin kukalt, ootasin midagi väääääga vinget. Sain tavalise Orkuti koopia![]()
Tänapäeval ikka sotsiaalmeedia "haip" kordades suurem, kui toote reaalne väärtus. Pettumus on täielik.... aga lihtsalt tuttavate pilte näeb ainult sealt.
K wrote:Jah, mina küll ei mäleta, et peale nn pronksiöö märatsemist ja purustamisi Tallinna linnapea (Savisaar) oleks üldse midagi öelnud. Täielik vaikus. Aga see kõik toimus ju Tallinnas!
Keskerakond wrote:/.../
Keskerakond seda julgeolekujura ei toeta.
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